How do I use this website?
Browse our course catalog online: Click on courses on the menu bar to the left. Browse by content area, or search by title, instructor, or dates. Full course descriptions, teacher biographies, directions, and other pertinent course information can be accessed by clicking on the dark green links.
Download our Community Ed brochure: Click on the brochure cover image to access the full brochure. Community Education brochures are sent to all residences within the Birmingham School District. If you would like to have a copy sent to you, please click on the green Community Education LOGO in the top left corner of the home page and fill in the appropriate information.
Sign in: If you are new to our site, you will need to create a household profile. Creating a profile will provide you with your own personal, password-protected account. Having an account will allow you to register online and track your course selections. Click on "sign in" on the menu bar to the left and follow the prompts. If you would like "Step by Step" instructions for creating your household profile, please download this page of instructions.
Items in blue are required information. Please choose a login that you will remember easily. The demographic information is optional, and is used by Birmingham Commmunity Education strictly for planning and statistical purposes. You will receive a copy of your profile via email.
After you have created a user profile (and on subsequent visits when you sign in), you will notice additional menu options that will allow you to edit your profile, check your current registrations, and view your transactions.
Contact us for more information: If you have any questions about using this site, please don't hesitate to contact us, by email or by calling 248.203.3800.
How do I register?
Register Online: Once you have created a user profile, sign-in using the link at the left. Click on course listings to browse through the catalog. Select the boxes next to the classes that you are interested in; then add them to your shopping cart. Follow the directions to complete your registration at our secured site with your credit card. You will receive an e-mail confirmation within 24 hours.
By mail: Mail your completed registration form with check or money order to: Birmingham Community Education, 2436 W. Lincoln Street, Suite F102, Birmingham, MI 48009.
By fax (248-203-3818): Fax the completed registration form with your Visa or Mastercard information, 24 hours every day.
In person: You may register in person at our Office, Monday thru Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Note that office hours may change due to school breaks, holidays, etc. Payment may be made by cash, check, money order, Visa or Mastercard. The Birmingham Community Education office is located in Seaholm High School, 2436 W. Lincoln Street, Suite F102, Lincoln Street at Cranbrook (Evergreen), .5 mile South of Maple Road. Our office is located off the Lincoln Street parking lot. If you are registering on-line, you can register a friend at the same time that you register yourself. When registering for these events, you will be prompted to fill in the number of spaces you want and you will be required to make payment for the total number of registrations. If a friend or family member would like to take additional courses, he/she must create and register using their own profile. If you are registering by mail or fax, please complete separate registration forms for each person.
What are your policies for payment of fees?
Full tuition must accompany your registration. Pro-rated fees are not accepted. Payment may be made by check, money order, cash, Mastercard or Visa.
How do I know if there is space available?
If a class is already filled, you will not be able to add the class to your shopping cart. However, you will be able to select an option of being placed on a waiting list.
How will I know if I get into a class?
If you register yourself online, you will be able to see whether there is still space available in a class. Once you complete the necessary payment information, you are registered. You will receive an email confirmation within 24 hours.
You must provide an email address when you register by mail or fax, you will receive an email confirmation within 24 hours after we process your registration. If you do not have email but would like a confirmation, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope with your registration.
What happens if a course is full?
If the course you select is full, you can request to be placed on a waiting list. If you wish to pay by credit card, your account will not be charged until a place becomes available. If you paid with separate checks for each course, your check will not be deposited. If you paid with one check for more than one class, you will have credit in your account.
If space opens up in the class, we will advise you.
Can a class be cancelled because of low enrollment?
The most common reason for class cancellation is low enrollment. Register EARLY for a class you want. And tell your friends. Enrollment numbers are viewed typically three dates for the classes start date. NOTIFICATIONS OF CANCELLATIONS ARE SENT BY EMAIL --- please be sure your email address is correct on your profile. Any person registered in a cancelled class will receive a full refund or may transfer to another available class in the current semester. Birmingham Community Education reserves the right to limit the enrollments or cancel any class due to insufficient registrations.
Are your classes handicapped accessible?
The Birmingham Community Education is committed to making its classes accessible whenever possible. For questions about accessibility please call or email our office. If we are not able to accommodate your accessibility needs, we will refund your payment.
What happens in case of inclement weather?
For announcements of school closings due to inclement weather, please check the top of the homepage of Birmingham Community Education at or Birmingham Public School district website at Birmimgham Community Education will not issue refunds for classes that have been postponed due to inclement weather or other circumstances beyond our control. We will make every effort to reschedule such classes. No partial refunds will be given, if you are unable to attend the rescheduled class. If Birmingham Public Schools are closed at the beginning of the day, please check after 2 p.m. to see if afternoon community education programs are running.
What if I am not satisfied with a class?
We are proud of the quality of our programs. If you are not satisfied with a class, please contact us immediately and we will do everything within our power to address your concerns.
We do our very best to get it right.
We take great care to check the accuracy of all information in our brochures and on our website. However, we cannot be responsible for inadvertent and unintentional errors and we reserve the right to correct them.
If I need to withdraw from a class, camp or program, what is your refund policy?
Adult and Youth Programs: Requests must be made directly to Birmingham Community Education THREE (3) business days prior to the beginning of class. With the exception of some adult one day classes, all class refunds are the amount of the fee less a $10 processing fee per class. The processing fee for some adult one-day classes is $5.00. The cost of materials cannot be refunded. No cash refunds. Refunds will be in the form of a check, credit or account voucher. Refunds of less than $10 will be in the form of an account voucher.
Break Programs: Refund requests must be made directly to the Community Education Office by 12 p.m. of the day preceding the beginning of camp. Refunds will be the amount of tuition less a $10 processing fee per camp. Refunds will not be granted after 12 p.m. on the day prior to camp.
Summer Camps: No refunds once a camp has started. There is no pro-rated fee for campers arriving after the start of the week or leaving before its completion. Cancellation or switching week fees will be assessed at $10/per camper/per switch (please note materials fees are not refunded if the camp is cancelled or switched). Switching weeks may also limit availability. If camps are cancelled due to severe weather, power failure or other circumstances beyond our control, we regret that we cannot issue refunds.
Academic Summer School Classes: There is a $30 processing fee per class for each refund or change requested. Refunds must be requested before June 21st. This means an “E” will be reported if the class is not completed and is not dropped prior to June 21st. To drop or change a course please email David Brooks

UGotClass online classes: UGotClass is presented by the Learning Resouces Network (LERN). Their online certificates and courses are provided by quality colleges and associations with expert instructors. Participate anytime day or evening, from any computer.
What do I do to register for UGotClass?: Click on the web page of the certificate or course of interest for more information. See when the next course starts. Register.
What do you do in UGotClass?: In the online classroom, you listen to audio lectures, view slides, even take an optional quiz to test yourself. Discussion and questions: then post written comments in the online discussion with your fellow participants and the instructor. Your instructor logs on once a day to answer questions and join in on the discussion. Readings: Many courses have online readings of up to 20 pages a week. Participate anytime of day or night: the ideal is to go online 2-3 times a week, but you decide.
How often is UGotClass offered?: Most courses are offered 4 times a year. Classes start the first Monday of the month.
UGotClass technical requirements: Internet access with Internet Explorer; Firefox; or Safari web browser. Audio software such as Windows Media, Real, Quicktime, or Flash. Speakers to listen to audio.
You can take our UGotClass online courses and certificates:
- As non-credit, in which case you can participate as little or as much as you like;
- For completion and recognition, in which case here are the completion requirements.
These Completion Requirements apply if you are taking our online course or certificate for any of the following recognition:
- Certificate
- CEUs and/or International Learning Units (ILUs)
- Certification
- Master's Degree program from LERN and University of South Dakota
Make at least one comment every week in the discussion
- The comment should show thought and be more substantive than just "Yes, I agree." There is no length required for comments.
- Replies to other comments, responses to other participants, count as comments (in most cases your instructor values replies and responses as comments).
- Questions and online discussion facilitative comments also count as well as long as there is some thought to them.
Take every Unit self-quiz
- Take every Unit self-quiz for the course and get at least 80% score.
- You may retake any self-quiz as often as you need to get to the 80% level.
Completion timeline
- The requirements should be done by the last day of the course.
- Individual instructors may extend the deadline upon request.
- If, for any reason, you are not able to complete the requirements during the course, we are pleased to provide you with our Course Transfer Option.
You may retake any or all of the same UGotClass online course at a future offering within the next 12 months, and you can do so at no extra cost.
Recognition awarded
- For individual courses, a PDF transcript is issued showing completion.
- For certificates and certification, a ODF certificate is issued showing completion.
How It Works
About Online Learning
Online learning is a fun, enjoyable and very productive way to learn. Millions of people are learning online each year. You will engage with the instructor and other participants. You will get to know your instructor and other participants. You may make friends. It’s easy. It’s fun.
How the Certificate Works
It is easy to participate in your online course. After you register, you will be given a web address to go to get into your online classroom. You will have a password and use your email address and password to gain access.
Once inside the online classroom, here’s what you can expect.
What You Will Do
For each Unit, you will:
- Access the online readings
- Listen to the audio presentation for the Unit and view the slides
- Take a self-quiz to see how much you have learned
- Engage in written online discussion with your instructor and other participants
For best learning, you should make one or more comments at 2-3 different times each day.
The content (readings, audio lectures, slides) and self-quizzes are accessible for the entire course, so you can work ahead, or go back and review again, at your convenience.
Participate When You Want
You can participate any time of day or evening. The online classroom is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
There are no live real-time requirements or meetings. You decide when you participate.
For the best learning, participants should log into the course on 2-3 different days of the week.
The Discussion for each Unit lasts one week. All comments are made in writing and can be made at any time of the day or night.
Your instructor will log into the Discussion area at least once a day and answer questions, make comments, and respond to comments by you and the other participants.
We encourage you to make 2-3 comments each day to maximize your learning and enjoyment of the course.
Injuries & Personal Property Damage & Loss
We are frequently asked: "Are my children or am I insured by Birmingham Public Schools in the event of an injury while participating in a school district program?" A follow-up question is: "Does the district have insurance to protect personal property that I or my children may bring to school?" The answer is "NO".
BPS does not provide insurance for injuries, damage or loss of property. A State of Michigan statute grants the Birmingham Public School District and other public bodies (e.g. cities, villages, etc.) with immunity to tort liability. What this means is that because we are a public agency funded through tax dollars and we are providing a public service, we are not held liable in the event of injury or loss of property. The Board of Education has decided that the district should not use taxpayers' tax dollars to provide for these risks. Your homeowner's policy may cover property damaged or lost from the school premises (e.g., automobiles, bicycles, band instruments, calculators, etc.).
Health & Wellness / Vaccinations
BPS Community Education follows the direction of the Oakland County Health Division, Centers for Disease Control and the Department of Homeland Security with regards to communicable diseases and community health concerns or outbreaks.
For more information regarding vaccination requirement, visit:
Notice of Nondiscrimination
The Board of Education is committed to maintaining a learning/working environment in which all individuals are treated with dignity and respect, free from discrimination and harassment. There will be no tolerance for discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, genetic information, disability or age. The District prohibits harassment and other forms of discrimination whether occurring at school, on District property, in a District vehicle, or at any District related activity or event. The Superintendent will designate compliance officers and develop and implement regulations for the reporting, investigation and resolution of complaints of discrimination or harassment. The following people have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: Students - Inquiries related to discrimination on the basis of disability should be directed to: Executive Director of Special Education, 31301 Evergreen Road Birmingham, MI 48025, 248.203.3000. Direct all other inquiries related to discrimination to: Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, 31301 Evergreen Road, Birmingham, MI 48025, 248.203.3000.